"A moment of peace" (www.amomentofpeace.org) is a spirituality proposal managed by the Communications Office of the diocese of Padua. The application provides - during Advent and Lent time - a short reflection, available through text and podcast, starting from a passage of the Gospel of the day.
In the news section you can find information relative to the theme of the current liturgical time and invitations to events filtered by user location.
By means of the app, it is possible to send your personal prayer, which will be delivered to some communities of both laical and religious people, in order to share everyones spiritual path.
The app of "A moment of peace" is also available in the Italian version www.unattimodipace.it.
If you please, you can support our initiative with a donation, by following the link provided by the app.
You can contact the Communications Office of the dicoese of Padua at [email protected]